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Simanonok, K.E., R. Srinivasan, and J.B. Charles. Computer simulation of preflight blood volume reduction as a countermeasure to fluid shifts in spaceflight. Proc. Fifth Ann. Space Operations, Applications, and Research Symposium  (SOAR 91), July 9-11, Houston, TX, 605-608, 1992. Google Doc:

R.S. Srinivasan, K.E. Simanonok, and J.B. Charles. Computer simulation of circulatory responses to bed rest with reduced blood volume. Proc. 13th Ann. Internat. Conf. IEEE Eng. in Med. & Biol. Soc.,  Vol. 13, Part 5, 1991. pp 1951-1952.

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Srinivasan, R.S., K.E. Simanonok, and J.B. Charles. Computer simulation analysis of the effects of countermeasures for reentry orthostatic intolerance. Physiologist  35:S165-S168, 1992. Google Doc:

Srinivasan, R.S., K.E. Simanonok, and J.B. Charles. Computer simulation applications in planning studies of a new counter- measure to fluid shifts in weightlessness. Aviat. Space Environ. Med.  63:388, 1992 (abstract).

Simanonok, K.E., E.C. Moseley, and J.B. Charles. Prediction of space sickness in astronauts from preflight fluid, electrolyte, and cardiovascular variables and Weightless Environmental Training Facility (WETF) training. Aviat. Space Environ. Med.  63:423, 1992 (abstract). Google Doc:

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Simanonok, K.E., R.S. Srinivasan, and J.B. Charles. Physiologic mechanisms of circulatory and body fluid losses in weightlessness identified by mathematical modeling. Proc. Sixth Ann. Space Operations, Applications, and Research Symposium  (SOAR 92), August 4-6, 1992, NASA Johnson Space Center. Houston, Texas, 598-604, 1993. Google Doc:

Simanonok, K.E., and E.M. Bernauer. Blood volume reduction counteracts fluid shifts in water immersion. Aviat. Space Environ. Med.  64:139-145, 1993. Google Doc:

Simanonok, K.E., R.L. Kohl, and J.B. Charles. The relationship between space sickness and preflight diet. Physiologist  36:S90-S91, 1993. Google Doc:

Simanonok, K.E., R.S. Srinivasan, and J.B. Charles. Physiologic mechanisms effecting circulatory and body fluid losses in weightlessness as shown by mathematical modeling. Physiologist  36:S112-S113, 1993.

Srinivasan, R.S., K.E. Simanonok, S.M. Fortney, and J.B. Charles. Simulation of the fluid retention effects of a vasopressin analog using the Guyton model of circulation. Physiologist  36:S114-S115, 1993.

Renkin, E.M., V.L. Tucker, H. Wiig, G. Kaysen, L. Sibley, M. DeCarlo, K. Simanonok, and M. Wong. Blood-tissue transport of exogenous albumin and immunoglobulin G in genetically analbuminemic rats. J. Appl. Physiol.  74:559-566, 1993.

Simanonok, K.E. A hypothesis of physiologically functional endogenous light and a mechanism for consciousness. FASEB Journal  7:A627, 1993 (abstract).

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Purnell, R.K., K.E. Simanonok, and S.R. Ford. Comparison of manual vs. noninvasive finger blood pressure monitoring (Finapres) during hypovolemia. Proceedings of the Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident's Conference , Galveston, TX, May 8-9, 1993 (unnumbered).

Simanonok, K.E., R.S. Srinivasan, E.E. Myrick, A.L. Blomkalns, J.B. Charles. A comprehensive Guyton model analysis of physiologic response to preadaptation of blood volume as a countermeasure to fluid shifts. J. Clin. Pharmacol.  34:440-453, 1994. Google Doc:

Simanonok, K.E. and J.B. Charles. Space sickness and fluid shifts: a hypothesis. J. Clin. Pharmacol.  34:652-663, 1994. Google Doc:

Simanonok, K.E., S.M. Fortney, S.R. Ford, J.B. Charles, and D.F. Ward. The effect of dDAVP with saline loading on fluid balance during LBNP and standing after 24-hr head-down bedrest. J. Grav. Physiol.  1:P-104-5, 1994. Google Doc:

Srinivasan, R.S., K.E. Simanonok, and J.B. Charles. Computer simulation of the effect of dDAVP with saline loading on fluid balance after 24-hour head-down tilt. J. Grav. Physiol.  1:P-106-7, 1994. Google Doc:

Simanonok, K. A theory of consciousness via endogenous light. Noetic Journal  3:1:57-68, 2000.

Simanonok, K. Endogenous light nexus theory of consciousness. , Last updated 2008

Simanonok, K. An Endogenous Light Nexus Theory of Consciousness. In: Complementarity of Mind and Body: Realizing the Dream of Descartes, Einstein and Eccles   Ed: R. Amoroso. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, 2010. Chapter 9, pp. 163-180.